Meagan + Massimo:
A Super8 film on the Russian River

It’s September on the Russian River in Guerneville, California. What could really be better then shooting a friend’s wedding here? Massimo, a friend I’ve had since I was 9-ish, who I’ve spent more time in water with than on dry land. The entire wedding party and I are all great friends from way-back, picking up […]

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Dawn Ranch Wedding:
Meagan + Massimo

Meagan and Massimo, they burn bright. People are drawn to them, encircled by their warmth, fueled by their energy, creativity.  Their wedding was packed with friends, all wildly funny, from coast to coast. There were three days of cabins, rivers, fire pits, and non-stop shenanigans; all the ingredients for the best kind of wedding. Did […]

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