Nishali + Jeremy: engaged

It has been a rainy, rainy spring and the farm girl in me is always appreciative of rain, but I will say I’ve spent many afternoons going back and forth about “should we or shouldn’t we?” try to shoot. Usually when I get that call the morning of a shoot, I say wait it out. I swear the sun usually comes out at just the right moment and I hate to give up the opportunity for that golden hazy light that you only get after a rain shower. That said, I have re-scheduled many a session this spring because of outright downpours. For Nishali and Jeremy, we didn’t have the option of rescheduling since they had flown up from Florida. While we waited for the first deluge to end, we shared a drink at Hotel Monaco and caught up on all their latest travels and wedding plans. Finally, the rain paused for the *perfect* amount of time (really, the exact amount of time I had scheduled) so that we were able to get a bunch of great shots. And then it started pouring again!

Dutch and I are really looking forward to Nishali and Jeremy’s wedding this August. It will be our first Indian wedding and we can’t wait to see all of the beautiful customs and get to spend more time with these two wonderful people.












You will hear from us shortly
